Lodging Needs to Extend Congressional Pressure
As you know, AH&LA successfully secured a 60-day extension of the swimming pool and spa compliance deadline and persuaded the Department of Justice (DOJ) to consider a longer extension to September 17, 2012. However, the lodging industry must contact Congress to keep pressure on the DOJ to adopt the proper interpretation of its regulation which would allow the use of portable pool lifts that are brought out upon request and that can be shared between pools and spas.
We are asking you to contact your member of Congress and ask them to co-sponsor the bipartisan legislation (H.R. 4256) titled, “Pool Safety and Accessibility for Everyone (Pool SAFE) Act,” recently introduced by Congressman Mick Mulvaney (R-SC).
Contact your Representative to ask them to co-sponsor the Pool SAFE Act in the House.
The Pool SAFE Act would provide a one year delay for the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) pool lift requirement, allow the use of portable lifts, allow sharing of lifts between pools and spas, and protect hoteliers from being sued during the delay period. AH&LA supports this legislation as it provides a reasonable solution to the pool lift requirement, while still providing access to travelers with disabilities.