We like to give back to our members with as much added value to your membership as possible. We are launching a new program called the Member Value Program, where we will invite Hotel Association of Tarrant County members to offer discounts, special values, special offers and promotions to members within our membership network. Contact Julie Faver-Dylla at Julie@tarrantcountyhotel.com to submit your special member-to-member value offer. All you have to do to receive your special member value is be a member in good standing and mention HATC when you contact our partners.
Our Member Value Program Partners:
10% off service and equipment discount (based upon need)
10% off any marketing services to HATC members
Prescriptions Savings Card
HATC members can take advantage of the Texas Rx Card, regardless of residency status, income or health conditions. The program is available to those seeking assistance and information to help in affording their prescription medications.
Click Here to Download Your Savings Card