You may contact Felicia at 817-392-4533 or That goes directly to her and she can answer any questions, take tips, and get done whatever needs to get done.

The National Human Trafficking Hotline is 888-3737-888. For any non-emergency tips, you’re welcome to call either that number or Felicia’s number. Though any time-sensitive tips should go to 911.

If you would like more hotel-based information, a local nonprofit named RescueHer does hotel outreach and can provide soaps and other toiletries with the National Human Trafficking Hotline on it. They also run a hotel-specific hotline for hotel owners who believe they are seeing trafficking at their hotel and want to know what to do. A good contact for them is Sarah Phillips (

Here is the link for BEST alliance website: 

If you have any questions or would like assistance in rolling out BEST’s Inhospitable to Human Trafficking Training to your staff,

Please contact:

Sophia Shin, BEST’s Senior Program Manager


You can also access the training here: Human Trafficking Training